YouTube Shorts, which competed at Tiktock, did wonders within a few months, using young creators fiercely
YouTube Shorts, which is a short-form video app like TikTok, is touching new heights of popularity. As of March, YouTube shorts have touched more than 6.5 billion daily views. The company has announced that this short video app is rapidly gaining popularity, as it has grown from 3.5 billion daily views by the end of 2020 to 6.5 billion daily views by the end of March.
YouTube launched the shorts app feature in India in September last year. Shorts is a new short-form video experience, which is a great entertainment option for creators and artists. Through this, people can share short and attractive videos using mobile phones.
The company later launched a video streaming service on its platform in beta in the US. With over 2 billion monthly logged-in users and over 1 billion videos watched daily, Google-owned YouTube is giving advertisers efficient access to a large audience.
The company said in a statement on Tuesday that in relation to YouTube, people continue to get all kinds of informative content from educational videos to podcasts. According to the company, he is also seeing strong growth in YouTube's brand business. The company said that YouTube is giving advertisers efficient access to a large audience, which is much more than TV. Big brands are benefiting from this.
The company said that in the January-March period of 2021 YouTube advertising revenue has been recorded at $ 6 billion, which has seen an increase of 49 percent. This growth is driven by exceptional performance in direct response and continued strength regarding brand advertising.