What is a Footprinting ( information gathering) | Types of information gathering

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 What is a Footprinting ( information gathering)... On ethical hacking... 

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Information  Gathering means gathering different kind of information about the target. It is basically, the first step or the beginning stage of Ethical Hacking, where the penetration testers or hackers (both black hat or white hat) tries to gather all the information about the target, in order to use it for Hacking. 

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Types of footprinting on ethical hacking ( information gathering) 

There are two types of Footprinting 

{1} Passive Footprinting

{2} Active Footprinting.

Explain... All Footprinting..... 

{1} passive Footprinting.. 

Passive Footprinting is the process of gathering information on a target by innocuous, or, passive, means. Browsing the target's website, visiting social media profiles of employees, searching for the website on WHOIS, and performing a Google search of the target are all ways of passive Footprinting.

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{2} Active Footprinting.... 

Active Footprinting is the process of using tools and techniques, such as performing a ping sweep or using the traceroute command, to gather information on a target. Active Footprinting can trigger a target's Intrusion Detection System (IDS) and may be logged, and thus requires a level of stealth to successfully do.

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